
Entity-Specific Rating Rationales

25 Sep 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating upgraded for PTCs issued under small business loan and home construction loan securitisation transaction

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating upgraded for PTCs issued under small business loan and home construction loan securitisation transaction

19 Aug 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 012 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 012 Trust

19 Aug 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 011 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 011 Trust

12 Aug 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional [ICRA]AAA(SO) rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 012 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional [ICRA]AAA(SO) rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 012 Trust

12 Aug 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional [ICRA]AAA(SO) rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 011 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional [ICRA]AAA(SO) rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 011 Trust

03 Jul 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 010 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 010 Trust

03 Jul 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Ratings confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 009 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Ratings confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 009 Trust

27 Jun 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional ratings assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 009 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional ratings assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 009 Trust

27 Jun 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 010 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Provisional rating assigned to PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 010 Trust

04 Apr 2024

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 007 Trust

Veritas Finance Private Limited: Rating confirmed as final for PTCs backed by small business loan and home construction loan receivables issued by Vajra 007 Trust